Jobs near General Santos
HR - Employee Relations
General Santos
- Provide ad promote a positive coflict maagemet approach to resolve problems i the workplace
- Couselig (i collaboratio with HR...
Salesman-general Santos City, South Cotabato
General Santos
- Sell Comfoods products to outlets located withi the sales route/area assiged
- Checks customer stocks ivetory, estimates...
Van Salesman
General Santos
Resposible for sellig products ad collectio of paymets for products sold to covered accouts/customers of secodary ad tertiary outlets i the assiged...
General Santos
- Drive sales truck assiged to Comfoods route salesma.
- Assist assiged salesma i his daily sales job of sellig Comfoods...
Delivery Helper
General Santos
**Duties ad Resposibilities**:
- Helper works with salesma ad driver to deliver products to customers ad cliets.
- Helpers are resposible for all...
Oil Movement Personnel (General Santos)
General Santos
Are you lookig to be a part of a compay that cares about your professioal growth, all while empowerig you to become the best perso to your family,...
Supervisor Sales - General Santos
General Santos
Be a part of a revolutioary chage
At PMI, we've chose to do somethig icredible. We're totally trasformig our busiess ad buildig...
Av Technician
General Santos
Audio video (AV) techicias set up ad operate the video, audio, ad lightig equipmet used to ehace live evets. They assemble microphoes, mix soud...
Urgent Hiring Sales Associate
General Santos
**_Nice to have: _**:
- Bachelor’s degree is preferred but ot required, relevat experiece is sufficiet.
IT Technical Support
General Santos
Graduate of BS Iformatio Techology or its equivalet
- With basic kowledge i trouble shootig ad hardware repairs
- With experiece as IT Techical...