Jobs in Costa Rica
Avp-fin Planning & Analysis
San Jose
The Assistat Vice Presidet for Fiacial Plaig ad Aalysis will be resposible for leadig a team of oshore aalysts to produce P&L reportig for...
Avp-operations Analyst
San Jose
The Regulatory Support ad Cotrols (RSC) team i Moody's Ivestors Service Operatios is resposible for the executio, support, remediatio, ad cotrols...
HR Reporting & Analytics Analyst
San Jose
**Resposibilities iclude**:
- Advise lie ad HR maagemet ad help uderstad metrics withi HR Reports to esure the busiess is fully aware of the...
Business Analyst
San Jose
As a Busiess Aalyst, you will work with collaborators across Moody's - icludig but ot limited to - Fiace, Sourcig, Procuremet, Accouts Payable...
Compliance Associate
San Jose
Moody’s is seekig a experieced compliace professioal to support the processes withi the Compliace Securities Trade Moitorig Uit. This fuctio...
Associate- Sales Operations
San Jose
A idividual cotributor resposible for iteral ad customer facig support related to customer iformatio, reveue recogitio, regulatios, projects...
Financial Data Analyst
San Jose
Fiacial Data Aalysts have a sigificat iput to the ratigs ad research process by aalyzig fiacial documets ad data provided by Issuers.
- The...
Administrative Assistant
San Jose
The purpose of the job is to provide admiistrative ad secretarial support to members of the orgaizatio ad provide backup to facilities related tasks,...
Linux Technical Account Manager, Amer
San Jose
**Role Descriptio**
Liux Techical Accout Maagers are key to servicig our eterprise customers ad parters, servig as the assiged egieerig...
Telesales Account Representative
San Jose
**Are you ready to make a BIG impact with TD SYNNEX?**
I additio to a competitive beefits package, we provide our co-workers with opportuities to...