Jobs near Las Piñas
Warehouse Supervisor
San Pedro
Job Resposibilities:
Oversee daily warehouse operatios, icludig receivig, storage, ad order fulfillmet.
Supervise, trai, ad develop warehouse...
Cloud Engineer
Makati City
Compay Profile:
Global cloud compay, advaced techology, 40+ idustries specializatio
Positio: Cloud Developer
Compay Idustry:...
Registered Nurse
-Moitor patiet’s coditio ad assess their eeds to provide the best possible care ad advice
-Observe ad iterpret patiet’s symptoms ad commuicate...
Quantity Surveyor
* price/forecast the cost of the differet materials eeded for the project
* prepare teder documets, cotracts, budgets, bills of quatities ad other...
Business Development Manager
Should be able to coduct successful marketig ad sales campaigs
Should be able to be costatly updated with the latest treds ad techologies i...
ReactJS and React Native Developer
Must have:
Graduate of ay bachelor’s degree i Computer Sciece/Iformatio Techology or its equivalet.
Miimum of 4 years experiece as a Froted...
Administrative Officer
Admiistrative Officer Job Descriptio Template
We are lookig to hire a highly orgaized admiistrative officer to perform all admiistrative ad clerical...
20 Domestic Helpers bound to Hong Kong
Tasks: Household, Cookig, take care of the baby
Job Offer:
Locatio: Kowloo
Size: 800 sqft
Workig Couple + ew bor girl
Ow room
Suday Off
IT Business Analyst (W/ Digital Channels or Platform background)
- Have persoally led ad implemeted iitiatives or projects especially related to digital chaels or platforms ad have dealt with...
Test Manager - Onsite (Makati)
· - With at least 3yrs experiece i maagig team of QA Testers.
· - Able to maage test resources based o the give testig...