Jobs near Tema
Director of Sales - Africa/MENA Regions
The Opportuity :ApplyBoard is lookig for a seasoedDirector of Sales who will be resposible for helpig lead the Sales Maagers/Sales...
Trade Sales Executive (Electronics)
Must possess a Uiversity Degree i Sales ad Marketig or other professioal qualificatios. Good workig kowledge of the idustry; Assertiveess: ability...
Registered General Nurse
First Degree or higherA reputable Hospital located at East lego is lookig for a very experieced Registered Geeral Nurse wfh some experiece...
Deputy Chief of Party, Ghana Health Program - HIV
Overview : Global Commuities works at the itersectio of humaitaria assistace, sustaiable developmet ad fiacial...
B2B Manager
Mai Purpose: Resposible for the developmet ad day-to-day maagemet of busiess to busiess fuel (clea product ad fuel...
Communication and Marketing Officer (Intern'l Consultant level II), Accra, Ghana
Job Title: Commuicatio ad Marketig Officer (Iteratioal Cosultat Level II, WAE), Accra - Ghaa Vacacy Aoucemet °:...
Clinical Sales Representative
This role is ope to ay cadidate i Sub-Saharia Africa Job Summary I this high-profile role, the Cliical Sales Represetative...
Recovery Supervisor
Recovery Supervisor esures ed to ed recovery process ad esures delivery agaist targets. Supervisor also provides isight ad directio to the...
Collection Agent
We are lookig for a reliable ad seasoed Collectio Aget resposible for the proper collectio of reveue from Champios ad esurig that...
Contracts Manager – Ghana
Overview Hire Resolve’s cliet is urgetly seekig the expertise of a Cotracts Maager i Ghaa . ...